77: Couples and the Porn Dilemma
Natasha is joined by Rachel Larsen on this episode of the Natasha Helfer Rachel Larsen interviews Natasha Helfer about the types of issues couples come into therapy in regards to distress about porn use. They also discuss an upcoming support/educational group.
Pornography Dilemma Online Group with Natasha
This group has been developed to help couples overcome the common struggles with pornography use within the marital contract.
During this group, we will:
- Begin to deal with and repair the typical secrecy/betrayal cycles that have historically occurred in the relationship with sexual media.
- Understand evidence-based information about sexual media allowing well-informed decisions to be made based on science and our values instead of myths and folklore.
- Help couples understand the importance of balancing the need for individual autonomy and relational connection that can often feel contraindicated.
- Learn to move from “ownership” models of sexuality to “partnership” models of sexuality.
- Guide couples through agreement work based on principles of sexual and marital health (honesty, shared values, transparency, and differentiation).
- Begin repairing trust and building a relationship where relational, erotic sexuality can flourish if that’s what both partners want moving forward.
- November 5, 12, 19, 26 & December 3, 10, 17
WHERE: Online
Register here: https://symcounseling.com/group-registration/
or call: 1-208-391-7804
Go here for more: https://symcounseling.com/pornography-dilemma/
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This podcast addresses many topics around mental health and sexuality and may not be suitable for minors. Some topics may elicit a trigger or emotional response so please care for yourself accordingly.
The views, thoughts and opinions expressed by our guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views or feelings of Natasha Helfer or the Natasha Helfer Podcast. We provide a platform for open and diverse discussions, and it is important to recognize that different perspectives may be shared. We encourage our listeners to engage in critical thinking and form their own opinions.
The intro and outro music for these episodes is by Otter Creek. Thank you for listening.
And remember: Symmetry is now offering Ketamine services. To find out more, go to symcounseling.com/ketamine-services.