Unlocking Creativity #0027
Motivational quote: "Without commitment, you'll never start, but more importantly, without consistency, you'll never finish" - Denzel Washington..Hello beautiful people and welcome to the twenty seventh podcast on Power Beyond! I think getting to the point where we feel the WANT and NEED to unlock a new side to ourselves, is the time where we truly start living; so lets talk on how do we do that. How does one move past doubt? How does one even find what they are good at? Well grab a cuppa and lets have a chat; welcome back..A side note I want to add:PLEASE DO NOT BE THOSE PEOPLE THAT IGNORE THE LOCDKOWN RULES..Hope everyone has a beautiful week and please send me feedback on my instagram: PowerBeyondGuy.Stay blessed all :).Links: Hasnain's (H.A.S) page Desert Eyes Podcast (Highly Recommend) The Feynman Technique