We have a COVID-19! - The Great Conspiracy... (part 2) #0009
Monday Motivational quotes: "There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs" - Aliya (submitted by).Hello beautiful people and welcome to the ninth podcast on Power Beyond! Coronavirus or COVID-19 is everywhere, now lets debunk some myths, discuss advisories and get ready for the week (part 2)! Hope everyone has a beautiful week and please send me feedback on my instagram: itshaassann.Stay blessed all :).Links: Hasnain's (H.A.S) page Aliya's Instagram Page Cancer Research Fundraiser (Any little bit helps) Five Conspiracy Theories Snopes 1981 Novel Fact Check AAP 1981 Novel Fact Check 2 Wuhan Lab China "blaming US Army" COVID-19 Worldometer