Chirya Ghar (The Zoo Story by Edward Albee) - Audio Play
Radio plays gained popularity a century ago. With all of us quarantined we are trying to revive the tradition by producing audio plays. The first of the series is Chirya Ghar, an urdu adaptation of the classic Edward Albee play, The Zoo Story. The play explores themes of isolation, loneliness, miscommunication, social disparity and dehumanization in a materialistic world. In the adaptation, Pervaiz, a middle-aged affluent man, is sitting on a bench at a secluded area of Sea View, Karachi. Anjum, a man in his 20s, approaches him for a conversation. The audio play is a reading of the play. The play has been adapted from the original by Shehzad Ghias. With this new initiative we are trying to open up the world of Theatre to a much bigger audience, especially the urdu listening audience. Warning: The play has 5-6 swear words Original play written by Edward Albee. Urdu adaptation by Shehzad Ghias. Pervaiz played by Naveed Kamal Anjum played by Shehzad Ghias