From Ayub to Imran through Zia and the Bhuttos - Writer and Intellectual - Tariq Ali - TPE #039
The intellectual giant that is Tariq Ali - writer, historian, Film maker, dissenter - comes on the The Pakistan Experience to discuss a political history of Pakistan lived through the left. From inspiring Mick Jagger and John Lennon to write songs to being on the Russell War Crimes Tribunal in Vietnam, From being a child watching Ahmadi shops being burnt down in Lahore to watching Imran Khan cave in to the might of the religious right, Tariq Ali has lived through it all and nobody tells history like he does; a history lived and viewed through the left. On this episode, Tariq Ali tells stories of informing Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto a coup was being prepared against him and advising Benazir Bhutto multiple times. Tariq Ali also discusses political assassinations in Pakistan, why he thinks the USA got Bhutto killed and the real story behind the Rawalpindi Conspiracy case. Do yourself a favour and listen to this for two hours; beautiful, articulate and insightful, Tariq Ali informs, as well as delights, with a retelling of his life.