Episode 4: We Need Brownies
Fina and Gabby get ready for Halloween without Papa and Abuelita. Fina discovers some of the backstory of the Demon Cat of Capitol Hill. The Fina Mendoza Mysteries podcast is written and produced by Kitty Felde. Our cast includes: Amy Solano - Fina Mendoza Monica Vigil - Gabby Christine Avila - Abuelita Raul Garza – Papa Elizabeth Logun - Librarian Imelda Hinojosa - Tia Catalina Associate Producer - Hannah Matzecki Associate Sound Designer - Hunter Felde Music Composed and Performed - Andrew Barkan Logo Designer - Imelda Hinojosa The Fina Mendoza Mysteries podcast is based on the award-winning book “Welcome to Washington, Fina Mendoza.” You can find out more at our website finamendozamysteries.com