Episode 3: The Curse of the Demon Cat of Capitol Hill
Bad luck seems to haunt the Mendoza family. Fina is convinced that the mythical Demon Cat of Capitol Hill is to blame. Fina starts detecting and discovers an important clue. Writer/Producer - Kitty Felde Our cast includes: Amy Solano - Fina Mendoza Monica Vigil - Gabby Raul Garza - Papa Susan Valot - Ms. Greenwood Linda Graves - Claudia India Scaglione - Becka William Beemer - Michael Susan Valot - Ms. Greenwood Steve Gamber - John the Staffer Steve DeVorkin - Senator Something Associate Producer - Hannah Matzecki Associate Sound Designer - Hunter Felde Music Composed and Performed - Andrew Barkan Logo Designer - Imelda Hinojosa The Fina Mendoza Mysteries podcast is based on the award-winning book “Welcome to Washington, Fina Mendoza" by Kitty Felde. You can find out more at our website finamendozamysteries.com