Chapter 1: Through the Archway
Part 1 of 7 – The adventure begins... After making a wish on the Christmas Star, Holly finds a mysterious ornament in her attic that transports her to Tinsel Town, an incredible world where it’s Christmas all the time. She is greeted by a friendly candy cane named Cornelius, but unfortunately gets swept into an interrogation by the curmudgeonly Conductor who is convinced she is out to ruin Christmas. FIND US ON PODCHASER Follow "Welcome to Tinsel Town" on Podchaser Rate a review this episode SUPPORT THE SHOW This episode is sponsored by Audible. Visit and sign up for a free 30 day trial to receive your FREE audiobook. Get that Tinsel Town Merch! Visit the Welcome to Tinsel Town store. Welcome to Tinsel Town "Welcome to Tinsel Town" is a Triangle Content production Credits Production Executive Producer – Dave Keine Written and Directed by Adam Ganong a Jenna Knorr Music a Audio Production by Adam Ganong Script Editor – Alex Rioux Additional Writing by Dave Keine Additional Music by Ken Miller Cast Jenna Knorr Adam Ganong Alex Rioux Sharisse LeBrun Jean-Michel Cliche Kira Chisholm Hannah Blizzard Jake Knorr Additional Cast Dave Keine Daniel Ganong Philip Hall Wayne Knorr Special Thanks to Dorothy Keine Wayne a Susan Knorr Adam Raymonda Links Official Website Twitter @heytinseltown Facebook @heytinseltown Instagram @heytinseltown