#8 Celtic Renaissance Christmas with Renaissance Festival Podcast -
Celtic and folk Christmas music from the 2008 Christmas Music Special of the Renaissance Festival Podcast. Music from Brobdingnagian Bards, Cast in Bronze, Diane Linn, Emerald Rose, Coyote Run, Hey Nunnie Nunnie, Kerridwynn, Nancy Daily Green, The Limeybirds, Vince Conaway, Wicked Tinkers, Wine and Alchemy, Tippler’s Way, Silent Lion Brought to you by... SONG HENGE, the online archive of free and legal Celtic music downloads. Find out more at http://www.SongHenge.com Notes: - Vote in the MUSICAL CHALLENGE - FaireNews.com - RESCU Foundation - ATTN BANDS: Send your calendar comments to Joe Haydu at music @ renaissancefestivalmusic.com. Music *The Brobdingnagian Bards, "What Child is This" from Christmas in Brobdingnag, Vol 1 *Cast in Bronze, "Carol of the Bells" from The Voyage *Diane Linn, "Wintry Queen" from Janus *Emerald Rose, "Santa Claus is Pagan, Too" from Rants and Ramble *Coyote Run, “Boar’s Head Carol” from Tend the Fire *Hey Nunnie Nunnie, “Silent Night” from Every Day Is Christmas! *Kerridwynn, “Winter’s Farewell” from Winter’s Farewell *Nancy Daily Green, “The Gloucestershire Wassail” from Celebrating Christmas Yore *The Limeybirds, “The Limey’s 12 Days of Christmas” from All We Want for Christmas *Vince Conaway, “The Holly and the Ivy” from Hang the Holly *Wicked Tinkers, “Ihr Kinderlein Kommet” from Slainte Happy Holidays *Wine and Alchemy, “Turning of the Seasons” from Turning of the Seasons *Tippler’s Way, “Auld Lang Syne” from Let a Light Shine - We want your comments and suggestions. Email us at music@renaissancefestivalmusic.com with REN FEST PODCAST in the subject line. - We want to thank everyone who listens to this podcast and tells their friends. Thanks to those you email us and to those who post in our message board at RenaissanceFestival dot com. And a special thanks to those who financially support the podcast by making donations or through your purchases in the Renaissance Festival Podcast Music Store at CDBaby. - Special thanks John B. for maintaining the myspace page, RenaissanceFestival.com and ModernBard.org. - The Renaissance Festival Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, Kristen Roger, and Joe Haydu. If you like what you heard today, visit our shownotes at www.renaissancefestivalmusic.com and find out more about the artists who make the music happen. Show your support by telling your friends of the great music you found. Music Challenge In every podcast, we showcase the top five songs from last week’s podcast. Be sure to vote for your favorite song. Marc Gunn with Lorella Loftus reading “The Faire is Over”