Aa Gale Lag Jaa, You Roller-Skating Demon!
Download file here Catch Masala Zindabad on iTunes Click the player above to listen to the latest episode Visit our Listen Online page (NEW!) to play all episodes online / get embed code What Every Woman Needs: stalkers in fancy dress! As regular visitors will have no doubt realized by now, this is a podcast that falls directly under the jurisdiction of the international territory of Shashi Pradesh, a magical land of wicked grins, illegal amounts of charm, great hair, seductive eyes, and surprising amounts of body hair. Moi? Our national dance is called The Aggravated Puppet and it is awesome. It won't surprise you, therefore, to learn that Masala Zindabad has more than one measly "favorite Shashi Kapoor movie." We have one for every season and every mood! But one we love to discuss again and again and just once more for luck is 1973's Aa Gale Lag Jaa. In which Shashi is still figuring out the difference between newborns and footballs. SOB!!! This under-rated Manmohan Desai movie co-starring Sharmila Tagore, Om Prakash, and Shatrughan Sinha is beloved for reasons that took us many years and several blog posts to fully examine. Meet us in ten years, and we might just surprise you with a few more to add to the list. Aa Gale Lag Jaa, therefore, is a movie eminently worthy of our full and solo attention. So today, join us for an excursion to the mystical land of Shashi Pradesh. We follow a free immigration policy and our oaths of allegiance are very accommodating. And now! Accordions on roller skates! With a side of yodeling and heartbreak! What more do you neeeeeed?! Perhaps you like rumpled yet elegant beachfront single dads with roly-poly sqooshy-wooshy babies? So wholesome! PS - All Germans please note: we in no way, shape or form hold you responsible for Shatrughan Sinha. PPS - Never, ever use this medical technique. Unless your patient is Shashi.