Filmistan High Class Reunion: Koffee with Karan Season 3 in Review
Maria of the blog Filmiholic returns to Masala Zindabad to review the rest of season 3 of Koffee with Karan. Just like your yearbook, we're giving out our own awards—Karan's were so predictable, darlings— to statement, moments, and performances on the show.The Good: guest we'd actually want to meet for coffee or a drink most pleasantly surprising guest cattiest Rapid Fire round The Bad: most eye-roll-inducing guest/moment/episode most adolescent behavior The Ugly: guest whose ensemble made us say "What were they thinking?!?" biggest cringe/"Oh no they didn't!" Special Award for Outstanding Achievement in Yadda Yadda Yadda: A few suggestions for the future of the show: number one change we wish they'd make to the format of the show guests we'd love to see And some thoughts on the new show by Simi Garewal, India's Most Desirable. Plus, if anyone knows why a man so interesting and articulate as Karan Johar insists on making such a terrible show, let us know!If you missed our first post on KWK midway through its season, you can listen at this link. Masala Zindabad is available on iTunes and through subscription to our feed, and you can download this episode here.