#209 Omkar annas Chef life, Driving Uber to teach Yoga, Connecting with Devi and Bringing Devi home!!!
0:00 Omkar annas childhood 0:52 Getting inspired from Sanjeev Kapoors show to be a chef 2:30 More about choosing Hotel management and wanting to become a celebrity chef 4:20 Challenges of being a Chef 5:48 From 83kg to 68kg within 40 days of Shambhavi 7:00 Getting invited for Devi pooja and starting mandala in front of Devi 8:30 Having the thought that yoga is supposed to be free 9:20 Backache and the need to loose weight led me to Yoga 10:50 Planning to become a dietician so that he can help others live a healthy life but realising its a small aspect compared to the Yogic path 11:55 From eating anything that walks to Vegetarian lifestyle 14:10 Putting green card On the line to become a Hatha yoga teacher 15:18 Mind in confusion whether to teach yoga or not after the training 16:10 Sitting job and deciding to drive UBER to find more time to teach Yoga 17:05 Vandana akka (Omkara annas better half) 17:50 Going for teacher training and opening up fully to people and being a Krishna 18:20 Yogas side benefits for Shy men ???? 20:08 Convincing family members for marriage 21:40 When the Grooms family cries for a wedding (DEVI OP) 25:21 How men can connect with Devi? 27:20 Planning to bring Devi home and Vandana akka gets all the doors open in her Meditation 29:30 Experience after Devi Yantra came home 31:30 Starting Devi Sadhana with Devi stuti from 3 to 33 35:50 Processes and chants of Devi to be available to her grace 36:38 omkar annas sadhana schedule 38:11 Funny incident of doing KAKA Kriya in the train 39:00 Angamardana funny incident in Canada 40:22 Sadhana and lockdown 40:50 Teaching Yoga to Doctors online 44:34 Why Sadhguru does not give all the answers? 46:54 Wanting to know shiva in IE classclass 48:20 HOW TO KEEP UP SADHANA WITHOUT FAIL