#205 Day 7: The Journey with Sandeep anna for #FreeTNTemples ends for now
On the way back home 1:08 Nagercoil was a turning point 3:04 What is not logical is not illogical IT IS MAGICAL 4:08 A ray of hope from the temple run by School going kids 5:58 A temple cannot run just by donations 8:20 Feeding the cows is an issue 9:10 The Homeo medicine which can be made only once a month 10:30 Annadanam for 700 people on Purnima 12:10 Kartheeswar temple (The Advice giving Deity) 13:30 Dont show stolen goods with proudness 15:00 The stupid narrative of Pseudo Historians that Indian civilisation is only 2500years old 16:30 How an Honest officer might face all the system when he wants to say the truth 18:00 Improvise in Archaeology ( The name of the place and the conspiracy of changing its name ) 20:26 From a corrupt RTO to a pious devotee 22:30 Experience of people addressing us as Shiva 25:40 what happened to their interest in cricket? 27:00 People always want to take or get something from the temple and not give 31:51 Temples are not conspiracy theories 34:30 Sandeep annas receptivity to places 41:00 End and start at same place For making Donation to the temple run by kids UPI code: q10615492@ybl Bank account details Bank: Union bank of India Branch: Kabali Parai Name: SUSILAI ANIMAL WELFARE AND RURAL DEVOLPMENT CHARITABLE Acc No: 183022010000054 IFSC: UBIN0918300 Email: vaisakhsabu90@gmail.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vaisu90/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/innerengineering90/ Snapchat: @vaisu1990 Linkedin: vaisakh sabu Twitter: @vaisakhsabu90