#178 How to lead a Sustainable Life? | Reusable cloth pads, Homemade soaps, Sulphates and parabens...

We have some Super Joyful and happy Lakshmy and Pooja akka share with us about simple ways in which we can live sustainably on this planet and make it a better place for ourselves and our future generations   00:00 Intro  00:59 Cloth pads from Ecofemme an alternative to Sanitary napkins  02:56 Pooja talks on why sustainable practices are needed  04:00 Netflix and trees  06:15 Homemade soaps  07:25 Cost a Benefits of reusable cloth pads  10:00 Is Diapers for children good  11:00 Lakshmy's chill Dad  13:00 Are Deodrants good?  13:28 Why sulphates and parbens in beauty products  14:00 Is organic and homemade products economically feasible  15:20 Contact details  16:00 Waste management Issues  18:00 Where to buy Ecofemme   Instagram of Lakshmy and pooja : https://www.instagram.com/maanushifor... Lakshmys Insta handle: https://www.instagram.com/lakshmydas/ Ecofemme insta handle: https://www.instagram.com/ecofemme/  Buy Cloth Pads from ecofemme here: https://shop.ecofemme.org/

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