#149 Ideal Temperature for Drinking Water | Agni Series Ep 11
In this video, Mukul Anna talks about the ideal temperature to drink water depending on what stage of our life we are in. Article : https://isha.sadhguru.org/in/en/wisdom/article/ideal-temperature-of-drinking-water *Aahar Online Program*- Learn all about a yogic diet based on guidelines given by Sadhguru! You can be based anywhere and do it online at your own pace. Get all your food queries cleared and access to over 200 healthy recipes. To access the course pls visit- https://www.aahar.yogire.com/ if any queries pls msg- wa.me/918217481232 Subscribe to Yogi Re YouTube channel by visiting - https://youtube.com/yogire To get daily updates from Yogi Re please join the Whatsapp group using the link - https://yogire.com/whatsapp Yogi Re contact details: Instagram - https://instagram.com/yogire.me Facebook - https://facebook.com/yogire.me Yogi Re Cauvery Calling campaign - https://bit.ly/yogire-cauvery Email: vaisakhsabu90@gmail.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vaisu90/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sadhgurusengineers/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/innerengineering90/ Snapchat: @vaisu1990 Linkedin: vaisakh sabu