#147 Eating Locally Grown Food | Agni series Ep 009
In this video, Mukul anna talks about the importance of having food which is locally grown and how it can have a tremendous impact on our health and well being. Subscribe to Yogi Re YouTube channel by visiting - https://youtube.com/yogire To get daily updates from Yogi Re please join the Whatsapp group using the link - https://yogire.com/whatsapp Yogi Re contact details: Instagram - https://instagram.com/yogire.me Facebook - https://facebook.com/yogire.me Yogi Re Cauvery Calling campaign - https://bit.ly/yogire-cauvery Email: vaisakhsabu90@gmail.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vaisu90/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sadhgurusengineers/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/innerengineering90/ Snapchat: @vaisu1990 Linkedin: vaisakh sabu