#136 Kanika akkas awesome trip to Goa a upcoming Hatha Yoga Programs in Delhi | Weekly Log Ep 007
Kanika Akka is back from Goa finally and gives us some of the awesome places she visited and more importantly the delicious food she had. Also Hatha yoga programs have been scheduled in the coming days. Do check the link below For more awesome videos from Akka subscribe to ger youtube channel NISARGA HATHA YOGA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_7stBb8pkRoFAbm-xebxbA To register for the program with Akka : https://www.instamojo.com/kanika_nisargahathayoga/ Isha Hatha yoga teacher finder all across the globe: https://isha.sadhguru.org/in/en/yoga-meditation/yoga-teacher-training/hatha-yoga-teacher-training/teachers-in-your-area