#134 Sphoorti akka on her Bhuta Shuddhi Vivaha, Rituals for Babies, Rituals for the dead | Ep 002
00:00 – With Devi Gudi and Devi Yantra 00:45 – Two types of Marriage in isha; Devi Temple marriage a Bhuta shuddhi vivaha. 02:00 - She then talks about her marriage and how Devi connected them. 07:30 – Here akka talks about the Devi Seva/sadhana which is for 14 days, the first three days are for silence. She says these three days gave her clarity for marriage. 10:20 – All the beautiful Bhuta Shudhi processes that Sphoorti akka went through 16:15 – She summarises the power of the marriage in devis presence. 17:20 – You can then get married by Bhuta shuddhi marriage, which can also be done at your own city where families can participate as well. Those attending bhuta shuddhi vivaha can also experience the impact of the whole process. 20:40 – Inner Engineering is needed for doing Bhuta Shuddhi vivaha? 22:00 - She now talks about the Linga Bhairavi yantra a Avigna yantra. 27:30 – How does one receive the devi gudi a Yantra ? For devi gudi you can get it through isha lfe or through the ashram. For devi yantra you can contact the ashram. 30:15 – Klesh Nashna kriya (for aura cleansing), Kala bhairava Karma a Kala bhairava shanthi (Rituals for the dead) 33:00 – Rituals for new born babies 34:40 – She explains what things are offered to devi, like coconut a mangalya trishul, which is for one wellbeing. There is also daily abhishekam that happens every day at the temple. There is also the offering of thaipusam which the consecration anniversary of linga bhairavi. 37:55 – The linga bhairavi pendant; copper, silver a gold. She talks about how it really does not matter what type of pendent or yantra you have, its all about how you connect with devi that matters. 40:30 – You can contact sphoorti akka here. 44:00 – One can experience devi in various forms this Navratri as it is offered live from isha. Connect with Sphoorti akka Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yogista.shakti/ Website: https://adishakti.com/ https://www.instagram.com/jagoadishakti Timestamps created by Awesome Neel anna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neel_099/ For Shipping Isha Life products (Including Devi Gudi) outside India contact Email: ishalifeofferingskochi@gmail.com Whatsapp: +91-9895719231