#133 Sphoorti akka on her life in the Fashion Industry, Finding a place to express herself, Volunteering for Devi team, Devi Gudi | Ep 001
0:00 – Introduction; she talks about her childhood at Coimbatore a visiting Dhyana-Linga with her grandfather at a young age. 04:00 Internship with Osho sanyasi. She was also always fascinated by visualisation and came across a book called secret. 06:25 Going to Nottingham to study Fashion Designing 08:05 During her Masters in Fashion in England, she met a lady who claimed to be in Angels and yoga. She got Invited to a program where Sadhguru was there by chance. 11:45 Working in a store in Picadilly which helped her to be herself and find freedom. 14:30 She then moved to India where she worked with start-up firms, in Bangalore a Mumbai. 17:30 About the fashion Industry and traveling alone to jaipur 19:40 During an interview in Bangalore she met one more lady who was in Buddhism, they started conversing on the same topic of Buddhism where they talked about Karma. She then sought advice from Punnet anna (who was in Fashion Designing as well) for her career, Punnet anna was with Osho a Isha. This is when Puneet anna advised her for Inner Engineering. She shares her experience of IE. 23:00 Inner Engineering happens and doing the Sadhana 27:40 She got Devi Abhaya sutras, started watching Devi videos and came across Devi consecration video and she wanted to make Sadhgurus vision happen. 30:00 She started visiting Isha frequently after all the Isha programmes (shoonya, BSP, Samyama). During Purnima when devi was being brought to dhyanalinga in “Utsav Murti”, she experienced an astonishing reverberation. She also talks about the three form of devi during Navratri: Kumkum – Kali the tamas aspect, Haridrum – Laxmi the Rajas aspect a Chandan – Spiritual the rajas aspect. 34:00 Devi Gudi comes into her life. Devi Gudi's energies keeps a lot of negative people at bay 39:20 Volunteering for Punya Pooja. 41:20 She had a maid at her home who was also positively affected in devi’s presence and her problems also started dissolving. She would then volunteer for all devi activities. 43:20 Landlady does not give her a refund for vacating her home in mumbai but Devis grace takes care of everything 48:00 – Second part coming soon ... Connect with Sphoorti akka Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yogista.shakti/ Website: https://adishakti.com/ https://www.instagram.com/jagoadishakti Timestamps created by Awesome Neel anna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neel_099/ For Shipping Isha Life products (Including Devi Gudi) outside India contact Email: ishalifeofferingskochi@gmail.com Whatsapp: +91-9895719231