#131 How to set the Right Ambience for Eating | Agni Series Ep 003
In this video Mukul anna explains how setting the right ambiance before we eat food can totally transform the way food behaves in the human system You can set it by doing the invocation written below Aum... Aum... Aum... Sahana Vavatu Sahanou Bhunaktu Sahaveeryam Karavavahai Tejasvina Vadhitamastu Mavid Visha Vahai Aum Shanti, Shanti, Shantihi. Article on food by Sadhguru:- https://isha.sadhguru.org/in/en/wisdom/article/how-to-eat-properly To receive program updates and other initiatives for one's well-being from Yogi Re please join the Whatsapp group using the link below https://yogire.com/whatsapp Contact details of Mukul anna Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/yogire.me/?hl=en Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/yogire.me/ Website:- https://www.yogire.com/ Aahar:- A yogic perspective on food to boost energy and take charge of your health! https://aahar.yogire.com/ Hatha yoga teacher finder:- https://www.ishayoga.org/hata/teachertraining/teacher-finder/