059: The Shocking Truth About Biodegradable Plastics and PLA with Trace Dominguez
In this episode, we talk to Trace Dominguez. He is an award-winning science communicator, video producer podcaster and curiosity explorer. During this episode, we take a look at the greenwashing behind biodegradable and PLA products and what to look out for to avoid using “biodegradable” products that need to be composted at an industrial facility. Where can people find Trace? https://www.facebook.com/trace.dominguez (Facebook) https://www.instagram.com/tracedominguez/ (Instagram) https://twitter.com/tracedominguez (Twitter) https://www.youtube.com/tracedominguez (YouTube) https://www.tracedominguez.com/ (Website ) Key Take Away“We are a big part of a tiny planet”