048: Organisations that helped my sustainable journey with Mariska Nell
In this episode, I will be sharing with you two organisation that has really helped me a lot on my sustainable journey. I will also be giving you some tips that you can use to help you reduce your waste. https://www.plasticfreejuly.org/ (Plastic-Free July) https://www.lonelywhale.org/ (Lonely Whale) https://vimeo.com/228827744 (#StopSucking ) Key Take Away” Just start with one item that would be easy for you to replace and take it from there.” You do not have to feel that you need to save the world overnight or transform your house into a plastic-free haven overnight. It is all part of the journey. If you are going to do too much and burn yourself out. You might not able to sustain that lifestyle and would become frustrated and this can lead you do not want to continue with this journey. Therefore take it one step at a time. Find communities that share your passion and do what you can as it is not a race.