045: How to select your next electric vehicle with Kyle Weber
In this episode, we talk to Kyle Weber. He is the founder of EVERA, where he and his team are working hard to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy and bridging the sustainability gap between the private sector/government and community through innovative engineering activities. During this episode, we take a look at some of the differences between electric and gasoline cars. How easy it is to charge your electric vehicle as well as look at some of the brands and models available. Final Five1.What is one social media platform that you follow? https://www.instagram.com/masdarcityabudhabi/?hl=en (Masdar City) https://www.instagram.com/thesustainablecity/?hl=en (The Sustainable City) https://www.instagram.com/dubaicarbon/?hl=en (Dubai Carbon) https://www.instagram.com/ews_wwf/ (EmiratesNature-WWF) 2.What is your hope for mama earth going forward? That we form tight communities again. 3.What advise can you give our crazy birds this week to help out mama earth? There is so much that can be done when you put yourself out there and you kind of lend that trust to someone else. For this week maybe just try to sort of lend that trust a few times or once at least to someone random that you may have not trusted before. 4.What is one sustainability fact that you like to use in a room with people not yet on a sustainability journey? If you recycled one aluminium can, the amount of energy that you have saved, just by recycling that is the equivalent to you watching TV for four hours. 5.Where can people find you? https://www.facebook.com/EVERA-309696559823220/ (Facebook) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNdkQOO9OvQKGhbt-86p_Bw (Youtube) Key Take Away“You give certain things up because you are willing to” When we are dipping our toes in the field of sustainability there might be a few things that would be very easy to give up and as your journey progress there might be things that you thought would be hard but they then seem easy as you are more willing to give them up than previously. However, it should all be within balance and do what you can and feel comfortable with. I think we all want to strive to do more, be more but we also need to be aware of our limits and not try to burn ourselves out and then not want to do anything further for Mama Earth. Living a more sustainable life is a journey and not a race.