025: How to live a zero-waste life with Kathryn Kellogg
In this episode, we talk to Kathryn Kellogg. She is an author, professional actor, the founder of the leading zero waste living blog, Going Zero Waste.com. She is also a spoke person for National Geographic’s Planet or Plastic campaign. During the episode, we take a look at how her journey started, her involvement as a spoke person for National Geographic’s Planet or Plastic. We also talked about her book, 101 Ways to go Zero-Waste. Kathryn also provided us with some tips to help up reduce our waste and to embrace the inner three-year-old to ask more questions. Episode Highlights[00:19] How did your sustainable journey start? [03:00] When we talk about living a zero waste lifestyle, what exactly does that mean? [03:03] The simple definition is to send nothing to landfill, but the more complex definition, the one that I really like is to completely wright waste out of existence. [03:32] The goal with a zero-waste lifestyle is to recycle less and not to recycle more. [04:08] How Kathryn’s GoingZeroWaste.Com blog start. [04:40] https://www.goingzerowaste.com/blog/eco-friendly-halloween-treats-for-trick-or-treaters?rq=halloween (Halloween treats) [05:24] Love a Lonely Banana: A Song About Food Waste. [08:29] I recommend to people to start with the big 4 and they are, say no to straws, bring your own reusable bags to the grocery store. Produce bags too and then to bring a full reusable water bottle with you whenever you go out and then the last one is to say no to coffee cups. [09:58] https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/planetorplastic/ (Planet or Plastic) [11:43] The photographer https://www.instagram.com/randyolson/?hl=en (Randy Olsen) was actually on this assignment for two years. [13:41] Release of Kathryn’s new book https://www.amazon.com/101-Ways-Go-Zero-Waste/dp/1682683311/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8aqid=1539321616asr=8-1akeywords=kathryn+kellogg (101 Ways to go Zero Waste). [15:41] What has been one of your most important decisions that you have made around mama earth? I feel like every decision that we make is very important and I think that some of the traps that people fall into are feeling like one person and that the small things don’t make a difference but really the small things, when they are done over a really really long period of time, are some of the most impactful things that you can do. Final Five1.What is one social media account that you follow? https://www.instagram.com/thegirlgonegreen/?hl=en (Girl Gone Green) https://www.instagram.com/snapshotsofsimplicity/?hl=en (Snap Shots Of Simplicity) https://www.instagram.com/litterless/?hl=en (Litter Less) 2.What is your hope for mama earth going forward? I just really, really hope that people will learn to see that connection. 3.What advise can you give our crazy birds this week to help out mama earth? Really start to ask yourself questions. I always say, embrace your inner three-year-old. 4.What is one sustainability fact that you like to use in a room with people not yet on a sustainability journey? [20:15] The water footprint for all the items we use is just crazy. It takes 3 litres of water to make one litre of bottled water. It takes 37 gallons of water to make a roll of toilet paper. It takes 8 gallons of water to make a paper plate 5.Where can people find you? https://www.facebook.com/goingzerowaste/ (Facebook) https://www.instagram.com/going.zero.waste/ (Instagram) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM_g2f3EWOV-OEhG7cG_Lew (Youtube) https://www.goingzerowaste.com/ (Blog) https://twitter.com/goingzerowaste (Twitter) Key Take Away“ Really start to ask yourself questions. I always say, embrace your inner three-year-old. “ Question everything! Find out where your clothing is made, what is the process, where is the fabric from, who is the farmer that grows your food? It is only when we start...