023: The last razor that you would ever buy with Adam Simone
In this episode, we talk to Adam Simone. He is founder of Leaf Shave, a company that is changing the way people get a great shave at the best value. During this episode, we take a look at how our shaving habits have an effect on the environment. How to recycle your double edge razor blades and find out what makes Leaf shave different from other razor companies out there. Episode Highlights[01:18] How did your sustainable journey start? [02:50] There is an amazing organisation called https://412foodrescue.org/ (412 Food Rescue) it is led by https://www.linkedin.com/in/leahlizarondo/ (Leah Lizarondo) and she has built a network backed by technology and the goodness of people that has rescued more than 4 million pounds of food, and they do this by cutting off perfectly good food that would end up uneaten and in landfill and connecting them with people in need of food. [03:22] We won’t stop until we have replaced every disposable plastic consuming razor on earth with a Leaf razor. [04:51] The history of shaving is quite interesting it dates back thousands of years to when early humans were using tools and shells and even things like sharp teeth to remove hair from their head and face. It is not a new invention. [05:11] Double edge razors which are what many today would kind of consider classic shaving tools that perhaps your grandfather used or maybe you have dabbled with in your sustainability journey. Those were invested and patterned more than a hundred years ago by and some people don’t know this but by King Camp Gillette. [06:34] What modern razors brought to the table over safety razors is a comfortable easy shave with multiple blades and a pivoting head. What we lost was the quality and the durability of materials. [11:56] We want that who when someone holds it, because it is a high-quality tool and something that I think people should be happy to own. because it is quality and it will last. [12:13] It has a lifetime warranty. If you have any issue ever drop us a note. [12:20] To keep our customers happy, we are learning a lot. We are still very young we have only been commercially available for about six- month ones as of the recording here, but we are in our next production of razors right now and we continue to learn and improve and listen to our customers. [13:14] We have got three more finishes coming in our next production run. [13:50] Maybe like four years ago I bought a pack of hundred of them for $11 and I am still using that pack. They will last a long time. [14:02] From a storage perspective a footprint of a hundred pack fits in the same space size a four standard cartridge from Bic shave or any of those shave clubs. [15:51] What can we do with our blunt blades? [18:46] We decided to go to Kickstarter and in 30-days we raised a $110,000 on our Kickstarter campaign. [20:25] If you are on the fence of trying us, give it a go. If we are not your jam, if it is not working for you, we will take it back within 30 days. [21:03] What has been one of your most important decisions that you have made around mama earth? Final Five1.What is one social media platform that you follow? https://www.instagram.com/trashisfortossers/?hl=en ( Lauren Singer) https://l.instagram.com/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fpackagefreeshop.com%2Fae=ATM7EAXChZg_MfVNPs8U0so_LyfGlErvWWqljExmpWSJr5UH3jgJ0t2gTqAgMpHH8w8ZPQMcVAzBAbOl (Package Free Shop) 2.What is your hope for mama earth going forward? I hope that more folks learn about the small decisions that they can make to do personally to impact their footprint on Mama Earth and you know I am very happy that I am making the choices that I am making and honestly I also hope that there are a couple of people listening out there that are entrepreneurs at heart that hear my story and are encouraged to make that idea that they have for a more sustainable solution or product or service to make that a reality...