012: Top Tip Thursday Reducing Your Water Use with Mariska Nell
In this episode, I will be talking to you about water and sharing with you a few tips on how you can reduce your water use at home. Water is such a valuable resource but it is becoming more scares, although 70% of our planet is covered in water, only 3% of that is fresh drinkable water, and from that 3% two-thirds are tucked away in frozen glaciers, and if we are not cautious about how we use our water resources, this number will only decrease. Therefore, we all need to do our part to save every drop we can. Episode Highlights[01:39] The power of a good shower. [01:46] Instead of a bath take a shower. [02:14] You would be able to place a bucket below and reuse the water that slowly warms up for the plants, washing the car, dishes or cleaning around the house. [02:27] Pick your shower song. [02:46] Switch off the tap when you are not using the water. [03:07] Look at your tap and showerhead. Your current tap or shower head might not be the best at saving water. [03:40] Don’t leave a tap dripping. [04:21] Wait before you wash. Do not use the washing machine or dishwasher until you have enough to load it to its capacity. [04:38] Go native with your plants. [05:04] You might be flushing way more water away than needed. [06:03] If it is yellow let it mellow and if it is brown flush it down” This way, they would be able to reduce the amount of water that is used within a household daily. [06:15] My final tip for today is to do what you can and feel comfortable to start with. Living a more sustainable life is a journey and not a race. Key Take Away“Water is such a valuable resource but it is becoming more scares, although 70% of our planet is covered in water, only 3% of that is fresh drinkable water, and from that 3% two-thirds are tucked away in frozen glaciers, and if we are not cautious about how we use our water resources, this number will only decrease” As children, we are taught that 70% of the planet is covered in water, yet little do we know how much of the 70% is clean drinkable water. Living in a city where we have easy access to clean water and sanitation it is hard for us to think what life would be if we had to walk long distances to access clean water or had water restrictions due to a limited water source. However, this is something that many people face around the world daily. There are many ways that we can save water even though we might not have any water restrictions currently our planet only has limited sources of water and if that is depleted, we have a major issue on our hands. There is no better time than the present to take the first step toward a sustainable future.