Meghan Spiro - Life After Domestic Violence
Meghan married young with her college sweetheart. The relationship seemed perfect on the outside, but behind closed doors, she was experiencing emotional abuse and soon physical abuse. After ending a second marriage, and now a mother, Meghan decided to start her healing journey. Encouraged by her boyfriend, she joined an ayahuasca ceremony and experienced a deep transformation. Out of this experience came a powerful body of work (paintings and poetry) that explores her history with domestic violence, sexual assault as well as her healing journey. Bio:Meghan Spiro is a survivor, visual artist and photographer, and a mother. Her professional work focuses on food a wine, lifestyle brands, products and portraits, working within the Hudson Valley, NYC, and beyond. Her personal work is known for exploring intense female struggles like domestic violence, sexual assault, miscarriage, as well as radical methods of healing, spiritual journeys of wisdom, and the sacred feminine and connection to Mother Earth. Much of her work is autobiographic and self-portrait based. Also a poet, She sometimes blends her poetry with the artwork. Links: