Diwali for Dummies
Calling all first-time mithai makers! If you’re looking for easy Diwali recipes (read: halwa and barfi, a wholesome diet) - look no further. This episode is a no judgement zone where two mithai novices try to figure things out together. Tune in! Follow the blog on Instagram at @architlost and on the web at lifeofsimpletreats.com Producer: Natasha Ratti Kapoor Written a Conceptualised by Archit Agarwal and Shirin Rai Gupta Music: Sour Tennessee Red - John Deley and the 41 Players Editor: Anannya Gupta Cover Design: Chesta Nagar, Natasha Ratti Kapoor, and Archit Agarwal About the Show Life of Simple Treats (LOST) is a food blog that now has a food podcast. Run by an amateur cook, Archit Agarwal this podcast is an extension to the conversations we have on the blog. Archit co-hosts this podcast with Shirin Rai Gupta, a fellow baker, and lover of all things carbs! Every episode Archit and Shirin will discuss all things food: from ingredients, recipes, techniques, and lessons from their trials in the kitchen.