Quirkiness a Creativity : Cheb Moha a Chndy !
Buckle Up is a series of interviews "On The Go" so, Buckle Up a join us for a drive. My 7th Guest are Creative Forces Cheb Moha and Chndy from SHABAB Int , two of the most creative and amazing souls you will ever know. We had a cool convo and they Free-styled for me ;) Cheb Moha: https://www.instagram.com/chebmoha/ Chndy: https://www.instagram.com/chndy_/ Shabab Int: https://www.instagram.com/shababintl/ Support General:- https://www.instagram.com/general.3am/ Buckle Up Logo Animation (Incredible work by these guys!) https://www.instagram.com/mberkawi/ a https://twitter.com/KhaledBader__ https://www.instagram.com/khaledashash/ Video and Edit by Azarel https://www.instagram.com/azareltv/ Follow Me on https://www.instagram.com/big_hass/ Segments Rap Freestyle @ 26:30