01 - Leila Al Marashi, the Artist of The Power of Pink
Two years after the loss of her mother, Dubai artist and entrepreneur Leila al Marashi, 35, decided to build on her experience in a creative way with The Power of Pink project, an art installation focused on the colour pink, dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer in the UAE. In this episode, Leila speaks about pink in the life of an Emirati girl, teenager and grown-up woman. She tells the story of her mother and her father, of how they met, explains what is behind the pop-art pictures that she created a few years ago to "make East meet West", her fashion design business and her experience of different corporate cultures in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. --- Emirati Stories is a podcast dedicated to introducing the Emirati culture and society through individual stories. Episode 01 was recorded in Abu Dhabi and hosted by Nathalie Gillet. Show notes and pictures are available on: http://emiratistories.com/01-leila-al-marashi