Let's get TALKATIVE with Kapil Bhimekar
The first time I have met Kapil was at the opening of an exhibition at Foundry Creative Social space where he took part in the exhibition back in February. I approached him and right away I felt that aside from my admiration for the work he did AT THE ROOM WITH A VIEW for the gallery! he had zen energy, a kind ora and the only thing I wanted at this point is to know more about him.Little I knew that he was one of the most admired advertising creative directors in Dubai but also globally as he has a couple of awards under his arms locally and internationally like the Lions in Cannes (which is like the Golden Globes of Advertising!!! If you know what I mean).He is a promising businessman, an artist, and a creative director that I proudly call a friend.I am sure you are going to enjoy this episode as much as I have enjoyed recording it a week after I had the honour of moderating an Art Talk with him and two other incredible artists.Discover more about Kapil on Insta:@kapil.bhimekar@k100dxbwww.k100designs.comhttps://www.kapilbhimekar.com/@talkative_with_ahmadEmail me!withahmadtalkshow@gmail.comPs: your support means the world! Share, Follow, Spread the word, Subscribe to TALKATIVE With AhmadPeace and soo much love!Ahmad Note: Following the link let's Buzzsprout know we sent you, gets you a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and helps support our show. https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1406479 Support the show (https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/talkativewithahmad)