LYL #002: Did you know there are only 2 emotions? (one feels good, one bad)
“Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers. Or you can grow weeds.”
Today we're going to talk about whether your thoughts are growing flowers or weeds. Hmmm…what do you think?
This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn…
- why it's SO important to feel good
- how to use the emotional guidance system you already have (it's built in, ready to go!)
- you’ll learn about the emotional scale and emotions from joy to powerlessness
- what happens when you focus on problems rather than solutions
- the power of choosing thoughts that feel better
As a life coach and Law of Attraction enthusiast, I offer schedule-as-you-want coaching. Coaching with me is a great way to raise your vibration.
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