E35: What is VC 2.0? | Arif Saiyad, ASA Ventures

What does a VC 2.0 look like? Arif Saiyad, founder and CEO of ASA ventures, started out with a mere 250 Euros from his dad to exiting several businesses and being involved in more than 100 ventures. ASA Ventures, a VC firm based in the UAE, was started to make compelling ideas happen, and to give founders the tools to best execute their idea - through operational support and expertise. Now set to launch something that will disrupt traditional ecommerce in emerging markets, with the launch of ZON in 2020, this VC firm is set to make some serious waves in the region and beyond. Check out Arif Saiyad here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arif-saiyad/ Check out ASA ventures here: https://asa.ventures/ Check out Nasab here: https://nasabdubai.com/ Check out the ASA Ventures  7 day challenge here: http://bit.ly/31f3dPU Check out about Zon's launch here: https://www.arabianbusiness.com/retail/426859-uae-vc-firm-aims-to-disrupt-e-commerce-in-emerging-markets You can also watch this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/QVuMj0xIcf4 Follow us on Social or use #StartupHustleME to connect: https://www.facebook.com/startuphustleme https://www.instagram.com/startuphust... https://www.twitter.com/startuphustleme www.linkedin.com/company/startup-hustle-middle-east/ Email us on: startup.hustle.me@gmail.com  Visit our Car rental startup: https://ejarcar.com Get in touch with Yellow here: https://welcometoyellow.com/ If you have the Anchor app, you can also leave us a voice note to be featured in an upcoming episode. Connect with us #StartupHustleME

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