E26: Building a great team for your startup | Muhammad Chbib
We had a very insightful conversation with Muhammad Chbib - the man who has been a CEO to startups that have exited (Sukar.com acquired by Souq), been a founder a CEO on a startup that has generated sales of USD 1 billion in 3 years (tajawal and Almosafer), worked as a consultant for McKinsey and company, and founded two startups of his own, with a new one soon to be launched. So, what has Muhammad learned from working with and for these different startups? It all starts with building a great team, he is inspired by people and believes in nurturing talent, and that people make the company. We are also very excited about his new startup venture, listen to the episode to get a sneak peak of what he is up to. You can also watch this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/HyHbslub7qk Check out Muhammad here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/muhammadchbib/ Follow us on Social or use #StartupHustleME to connect: https://www.facebook.com/startuphustleme https://www.instagram.com/startuphust... https://www.twitter.com/startuphustleme www.linkedin.com/company/startup-hustle-middle-east/ Email us on: startup.hustle.me@gmail.com Visit our Car rental startup: https://ejarcar.com Get in touch with Yellow here: https://welcometoyellow.com/ If you have the Anchor app, you can also leave us a voice note to be featured in an upcoming episode. Connect with us #StartupHustleME