E12: Our Dubai Shark Tank Experience | The Equity Room
In this episode, we discuss what it was like to pitch our startup EjarCar, at Dubai's very own Shark Tank event called The Equity Room organised by Gulf Events. Find out what happened with the pitch and listen in to find out what we thought of the other startup pitches and the experience. You can also watch this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/Z18pzNrBxFw OR catch the behind the scenes from the event: https://youtu.be/QjqD3Sk6oAU Follow us on Social or use #StartupHustleME to connect: https://www.facebook.com/startuphustleme https://www.instagram.com/startuphustleme/ https://www.twitter.com/startuphustleme www.linkedin.com/company/startup-hustle-middle-east/ Email us on: startup.hustle.me@gmail.com Visit our Car rental startup: https://ejarcar.com If you have the Anchor app, you can also leave us a voice note to be featured in an upcoming episode. Connect with us #StartupHustleME