E10: Starting the first UX Lab in Dubai | Interview with Sudipt, Founder of Digit of Things (Part 1)

Sid and Mamta interview the founder of Digital of Things, the first purpose-built UX Lab in Dubai. Sudipt Shah talks to Startup Hustle Middle East about the importance of usability testing in a multicultural region like the Middle East. Digital of Things marries UX Tech with Psychology to give clients an understanding of what their customer needs. https://www.digitalofthings.com/ Follow us on Social or use #StartupHustleME to connect: https://www.facebook.com/startuphustleme https://www.instagram.com/startuphustleme/ https://www.twitter.com/startuphustleme www.linkedin.com/company/startup-hustle-middle-east/ Email us on: startup.hustle.me@gmail.com Visit our Car rental startup: https://ejarcar.com If you have the Anchor app, you can also leave us a voice note to be featured in an upcoming episode. Connect with us #StartupHustleME

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