E09: Let's talk content: Discussion with Raj Kotecha (Part 2)
Listen to Part 2 of Sid and Mamta's conversation with Raj Kotecha, CEO of The Creative Content Agency and full-time maverick hustler. In this episode, we continue our discussion about content, platforms and Inside-out vs. Outside-in marketing strategy. For more tips, Follow us on Social or use #StartupHustleME to connect: www.facebook.com/startuphustleme www.instagram.com/startuphustleme/ twitter.com/startuphustleme www.linkedin.com/company/startup-hustle-middle-east/ Email us on: startup.hustle.me@gmail.com Visit our Car rental startup: ejarcar.com If you are an Anchor user, you can also leave us a voice message with your questions and comments. You can also connect with Raj here: www.instagram.com/rajkotecha Find out about Raj's ventures: www.creativecontentagency.com And his podcasts are: Other Peoples Podcasts (OPP) and Raj Kotecha: That's a Great Question Find out about My Friends Your Friends here, upcoming event on 29 Oct www.myfriendsyourfriends.com