Kula Podcast EP6 - Photo Saafu Nusaafu (Aperture)
On this episode: - - News update of 9th SAARC Art festival running from 22-27th September 2019. Final Exhibition at National Art Gallery on 29th September 2019. - We try to bring some basic photography tutorials we called this educational segment as "Saafu Nusaafu", Mainly highlighted basic parts of SLR (Single Lens Reflex ) camera and Aperture. - Upcoming Exhibition : In My Mind, An artistic expression of our beautiful minds by Mental health center (IGMH) at National Art Gallery on 1st October 2019 - Cinema updates : Olympus cinema and Schwack Cinema a TV platforms updates. Nishan @millzero and Auraf as your host. Contact : kulapodcast@gmail.com