1. Top 3 Prep Tips for Any Standardized Test
Welcome to the very first episode of The Dominate Test Prep Podcast! We're coming out swinging, sharing with you the top three things we've seen from 14+ years in the industry that will empower you to have the best possible experience preparing for whichever standardized test you're studying for. These principles are universal, so whether you're just diving in or have been preparing for a while and need that little extra something to get you over the hump, we're confident you'll see an improved score on test day if you take these tips to heart.
In the "From the Mailbag" segment, we also tackle the question of why your standardized test is necessary in the first place, so be sure to listen all the way to the end for that.
Thank you for listening! We appreciate the support and encourage you to do the following so that you get the most out of this channel:
- Click the "Subscribe" button so that you don't miss any future episodes. We have some great shows lined up that we know you'll benefit from!
- Send us an e-mail if you have suggestions for future shows or burning questions about your standardized test or the admissions process that you want me to answer in the "From the Mailbag" segment. Who knows, you might just make it into a future show! Oh, and don't forget to e-mail me your "Why." I'd love to hear it.
- Head over to https://www.dominatetestprep.com for additional test-taking tips, strategies, and comprehensive prep courses. We've got you covered with anything you need to help you dominate your test.
Study hard and we'll talk with you on the next episode. Until then, I'll leave you with the quote we opened this episode with:
"If you want to be great, you must embrace the boredom of consistency." -- Justin Su'a
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