12: The Lit Pickers: AMA
Deepanjana and Supriya sign off on the Lit Pickers with an ‘Ask Me Anything’ episode, taking questions from listeners on how, what and why to read (and write). If you want to know how to read during an existential global crisis, how to think about empathy through literature or just want some fun recommendations for romance novels, tune in. Warnings for the usual confusion about who sounds like whom, and the subtle sense that the episode was recorded underwater. For a list of all the books mentioned in the season so far, check out: http://bit.ly/thelitpickersbooks. You can find Supriya Nair at @supriyanair and Deepanjana Pal at @dpanjana. This is a Maed In India Production; check us out at www.maedinindia.in.