E0: Trailer
Welcome to Cognitive Snap, a show that explores science, philosophy and economics through design, and my name is https://bawakulkarni.com/ (Bawa Kulkarni.) We’re used to thinking and talking about designed objects, be it physical products or digital services or even intangible artefacts like language and music. The point of this podcast though is to treat design itself as a designed object, to think about the field of design as the artefact. During the show, I talk to and collaborate with designers and non-designers to see all these different fields through the lens of design, and in this way maybe, learn a little bit more about the lens itself. Subscribe to Cognitive Snap on your favourite podcast app to listen to new episodes monthly. For more information, visit the website http://cognitive-snap.com (cognitive-snap.com). Thank you for listening! Special thanks to https://www.linkedin.com/in/shakthiprasad/ (Shakthi Prasad KT) for the audio. https://www.patreon.com/cognitivesnap (Support the show) (https://www.patreon.com/cognitivesnap)