Episode 44: Finding Your Voice in Social Media with Mojca Mars
Social media these days resembles a war of bots. However, it's still a powerful tool — if you do it right. Today's guest, Mojca Mars of Super Spicy Media, helps people find their voice and become successful in social media marketing. You'll learn what formats and visuals work best, what you should write about, how to approach advertising, and how to do genuine, helpful outreach. Podcast feed: subscribe to http://simplecast.fm/podcasts/1441/rss in your favorite podcast app, and follow us on iTunes or Stitcher. Show Notes Super Spicy Media — Mojca's social media consultancy Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook — a book about social media by Gary Vaynerchuk Brown Sauce — an article by JD Graffam on writing better microcopy John Loomer — great blog about Facebook advertising Facebook Ads Manual — Mojca's book Follow Mojca on Twitter: @mojcamars Email Mojca at mojca@superspicymedia.com Today's Sponsor Today's episode is brought to you by Remarq — fast, professional formatting for your reports and proposals. Just focus on your content, while Remarq automatically creates beautiful PDF documents. Go to Remarq.io and use the coupon code UIBREAKFAST to get a 20% lifetime discount. Interested in sponsoring an episode? Learn more here. Leave a Review Reviews are hugely important because they help new people discover this podcast. If you enjoyed listening to this episode, please leave a review on iTunes.