Episode 28: Psychological Principles of Persuasive Design with Victor Yocco
How can we use psychology to inform our design decisions? Our guest today is Victor Yocco — UX researcher, speaker a author of the upcoming book Design for the Mind. He walks us through the key principles of persuasive design, and explains how to apply them in real-life UX projects. Podcast feed: subscribe to http://simplecast.fm/podcasts/1441/rss in your favorite podcast app. Show Notes Design for the Mind: Seven Psychological Principles of Persuasive Design — Victor's new book published by Manning; use promocode SMAYOCCO to get 39% off your copy Stanford Persuasive Tech Lab The Fogg's Behavior Model Influence at Work — website of Dr. Robert Cialdini Social identity theory (via Wikipedia) The Brain Audit: Why Customers Buy (And Why They Don't) — book by Sean D'Souza Yocco UX — Victor's website Send an email to Victor: victoryocco@gmail.com Follow Victor on Twitter: @VictorYocco