A Day In The Life Of A Game UI Designer | Maïmouna Brownrigg, Ubisoft
Episode 10 Show Notes: Are any of you interested in pursuing a career in game design? I was initially intimidated about my plans to pursue a career in game UI design, but after this conversation with Maïmouna, I feel confident that I can make it happen. I hope you do too. Mentions: You can follow Maïmouna on Twitter @m_brownrigg https://twitter.com/m_brownrigg LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/maïmouna-brownrigg-9b69415/ Podcast Info: Listen on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and Spotify. RSS feed: https://uinarrative.libsyn.com/rss Don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you like what you hear. Announcements: Join the UI Narrative Email Club to be the first to hear about weekly blog posts and exclusive podcast recaps. You can sign up at uinarrative.com/emailclub. Have you ever received bad feedback on your designs? Want clarity on how to decipher client and boss feedback to improve your designs? Learn more at uinarrative.com/gradingsystem. Let’s Connect: Have a question for me? Email me at hello@uinarrative.com. Let’s connect! #uinarrative Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn @uinarrative Twitter @uinarrativeco