UX for Change with Louisa Laughton-Scott
Episode 3 Show Notes: Louisa went from Data Research Analyst to User Experience and Interface Designer. In this conversation we talk about her challenges and success in developing her career and how you can get in involved in creating UX for Change. Mentions: UX for Change a Organization’s Twitter You can follow Louisa's UX/UI journey on her Instagram @louisatechdesign. Podcast Info: Listen on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Spotify, and Spreaker. RSS feed: https://uinarrative.libsyn.com/rss Don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you like what you hear. Announcements: Join the UI Narrative Email Club to be the first to hear about weekly blog posts and exclusive podcast recaps. You can sign up at uinarrative.com/emailclub. Have you ever received bad feedback on your designs? Want clarity on how to decipher client and boss feedback to improve your designs? Learn more at uinarrative.com/gradingsystem. Let’s Connect: Have a question for me? Email me at hello@uinarrative.com. Let’s connect! #uinarrative Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn @uinarrative Twitter @uinarrativeco