What's in the Cup + On My Mind: Where to Start with In Fiore, Reflections on Breaking Up with Bravo/The Real Housewives, and New Beauty Segment (Essential | Extra | Exiting)
Please visit lamouretlamusique.com, or click on “Episode Webpage” below to be taken directly to the blog post that accompanies this episode and find a full list of references, products discussed, and a full transcript with timestamps. Sunday Window series here (initially I found it on A Sweet Spoonful back in 2011 here). My Sunday Window for Sunday September 21, 2020 at 7PM – received wedding rsvps | earthwise peppermint tea | amethyst | feminist current podcast | love is as solid as a rock of Gibraltar/so come to the altar with me. **Podcast Transcript Revision Help Wanted** If you or someone you know loves talking about or listening to someone else about (eco) beauty and holistic living and would like to be involved in working on Your Purpose is Beauty in exchange for full access to the L'Amour et la Musique Patreon exclusive content archives and forthcoming work, please contact me! I am looking for someone to revise and clean up transcripts alongside audio, and to insert hyperlinks and timestamps (not transcription from scratch). Previous work in a similar vein would be a plus, but anyone with attention to detail and with knowledge of this particular space within the beauty industry would likely be a great fit. Please email lamouretlamusique@gmail.com to discuss further. Join the L’Amour et la Musique Patreon community to gain access to exclusive episodes of Your Purpose is Beauty, along with 3 years’ worth of exclusively produced beauty video content! Subscribe to L’Amour et la Musique on Youtube Follow L’Amour et la Musique on Instagram Visit L’Amour et la Musique’s website L’Amour visual inspiration on Pinterest