What's in the Cup + On My Mind: Liver/Gallbladder Flush FAQ, Why are we being persuaded to reconsider parabens, and (Eco) Beauty shopping plans
Please visit lamouretlamusique.com, or click on “Episode Webpage” below to be taken directly to the blog post that accompanies this episode and find a full list of references and products discussed. Use the code LAMOUR at Pink Moon checkout to have 10% of your order donated to The Lyson Center for Civic Agriculture and Food Systems Save 10% off your Earthwise Beauty or Pacific Northwest Essences order using the code LAMOUR. Sunday Window series here (initially I found it on A Sweet Spoonful back in 2011 here). My Sunday Window for Sunday July 19th, 2020 – Earthwise Beauty balms just unboxed for testing | cold brew + heavy cream | taupe | morning summer thunderstorm | In seven hundred years the laurel will become green again, good people will return. Join the L’Amour et la Musique Patreon community to gain access to exclusive episodes of Your Purpose is Beauty, along with 2 1/2 years’ worth of exclusively produced beauty video content! Subscribe to L’Amour et la Musique on Youtube Follow L’Amour et la Musique on Instagram Visit L’Amour et la Musique’s website L’Amour visual inspiration on Pinterest