009: The Secret to Overcoming Comparison a Competition Online with Natalie Franke
Natalie Franke Hayes is an entrepreneur, mobilization marketer, community builder, and neuroscience nerd. As one of the Founders of the Rising Tide Society and the Head of Community at HoneyBook, she leads tens of thousands of creatives and small business owners while fostering a spirit of community over competition. Website: nataliefranke.com risingtidesociety.com Instagram: @nataliefranke All show notes a resources available at realfoodwholelife.com KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE How to build a mindset of community over competition online. Figuring out what lights you up and finding your calling. Eradicating isolation and helping people feel like they are not alone. Overcoming fear and living courageously. Starting small and building momentum beyond insecurities and fear. How to not be a passive observer of your life. Building relationships with a goal to build others up. Being imperfect together and fighting for each other, not against each other. Combating comparison and competition with vulnerability and connection. Making the distinction between a brand on social media and a human being. Prioritizing what you value. Setting a timer and being efficient with your time on social. Turning it all off or participating in a total digital detox. How balance can be defined in quality (not quantity) of time. On how to be intentional and protective of personal time. Quotes from Natalie “Whatever you do when you first open your eyes is what you prioritize in your life.” “As long as we are constantly trying to discover that calling, that purpose, and work toward making an impact, not just for ourselves or for others, that’s where the magic happens.” “Fear will always be with you. It’s like breathing. It’s like heartbeat. It is there. It is going to be a part of your makeup forever. However, you can chose to act in spite of it. And that’s courageous. Living courageously.” “Social media is glass windows into a curated space that we believe to be truth. But it’s not.” RESOURCES Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert Daring Greatly by Brene Brown Rising Strong by Brene Brown Brene Brown Vulnerability and Listening to Shame TED talks Goal Digger Podcast with Jenna Kutcher LET'S CONNECT Leave a note in the comment section below. Share it with a friend via Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or Twitter HELP THE SHOW Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help more people find the show and I personally read each one. Here's how to do it: Launch Apple's Podcast app, then tap the Search tab. Enter The Feel Good Effect, then tap the Search key at the bottom right. Tap the album art for the podcast, then the Reviews tab. Tap Write a Review at the bottom, then tap the Stars to leave a rating. Enter title text and content to leave a review. Enter your nickname, then tap Send. The review won't show up right away, but it should be there within a day or so. Thank you so much for reviewing and helping the show! Subscribe on iTunes.