Part 2 - Dave Mattson on How to Understand Your Potential Clients, Sell More and Become A Great Salesman Using Science

On the Part 2 of The Growth Mindset Interview with Dave Mattson we continue our conversation and learn more about Sales Techniques and how companies as well as Sales People can sell more even at these times. 1.15 min - Best Approach when you are contacting the potential client for the first time. 4.50 min - How to close more during Face to Face Meetings. 9.02 min - What Most Customers do to Salespeople. 14.17 min - How to Identify customers that really buy. 17.55 min - Books Recommended by Dave Mattson to all the salespeople. 20.45 min -  Great Tips for Entrepreneurs to succeed in the market. 24.15 min - Two Advice Dave would give his Kids to be Truly Successful and Happy. I believe this Interview with Dave would help you greatly in becoming a better salesman and if you implement the techniques Dave suggests I am very confident it would benefit you in multiple ways. Again, these practical tips would only help if we start acting on it and implement these in our lives. So let us start taking small little steps towards our goals and dream and realize our fullest potential. Find daily updates and success hacks on The Growth Mindset Page below: Facebook: Instagram: Linkedin: Youtube: You can Follow Dave Mattson here: Website:

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