Part 1 - Abhijita Kulshrestha on Staying Different, Courage to try new things, Finding your purpose and many more
On this Episode I interview Abhijita Kulshrestha who is a well known Astrologer, Writer, an Author and Woman Icon of the year 2018. Abhijita talks about her childhood and her curiosity of wandering alone in the jungle of Kasuali. Starting her career in journalism and her first article landed the front page of the newspaper but she still wasn't happy. Finding her passion in Astrology a Gem Therapy and changing people's lives one at a time. Clearing Misconceptions of Astrology. Abhijita on Not giving attention to people and their criticism but being ingrained in your passion. How Astrology can have a positive impact on your life and what is it all about. Finding courage to switch careers if you are not happy. "It is all about ENERGY - Abhijita Kulshrestha" "Astrology is for billionaires, not millionaires - JP Morgan" (As stated by Abhijita) You can reach out to Abhijita here: Linkedin: Don't forget to follow The Growth Mindset here: Instagram: Linkedin: